sb_ad_5 articles from Mark Murphy and Leadership IQ – Page 15

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How The Managers At Caesars Palace Teach Employees To Have A Great Attitude

Go to any relevant review site, type in Caesars Palace, and you’ll bring up a stream of reviews like these:
“The staff in all parts of the casino were attentive and over the top helpful. I will be returning to Caesars again and again!”
“From the moment you arrive and the valet and bellman greet you the excellent service welcomes you and you know you are on vacation and will have a wonderful experience.”

Posted by Mark Murphy on 04 May, 2017 Forbes, Hiring for Attitude, no_cat, no_recent, sb_ad_30, sb_ad_5 | Read more →

In Job Interviews, Ask Candidates About Mistakes They've Made

Job InterviewMistakes. We all make them, but some of us respond more constructively than others when they happen. You don’t want to wait until someone is on your payroll to find out what they’ll do when they blunder. 

Video: Promoted to Manger

Promoted to ManagerLet's say you just got promoted to manager and one of your former co-workers, former colleagues, is pretty ticked off because you got the promotion and they didn't. How do you deal with this? It takes developing some interpersonal skills.

Video: A Four-Step Model for Receiving Constructive Criticism

Getting criticized stinks. I'm not going to sugarcoat that. But there is a technique you can use to receive constructive criticism that makes it a little more bearable, and even constructive.

Quiz: How Do You React To Constructive Criticism?

We’re all going to receive constructive criticism at some point. So the big question is “how will I react to constructive criticism?”  Take this quiz to see how YOU react to constructive criticism.

Are You A Technical Genius Who Gets Accused Of Lacking People Skills?

It’s not always easy being the technological expert on the team. You’re valued for your knowledge and skills, but those same two factors can make you appear superior, sarcastic or uncaring to others who are less technology savvy. 

The Compliment Sandwich: What Is It And Why Is It So Bad?

One of the worst management techniques ever created is the Compliment Sandwich. The Compliment Sandwich was created as a way of giving somebody constructive criticism:
"Bob, you're just so talented. You're so smart. You might be the smartest person in the department. Your behavior...

You're 87% More Likely To Love Your Job If You Work From Home

TelecommuteWe discovered that people who work from home (i.e., telecommuting) are almost twice as likely to love their jobs than employees who work in traditional co-located work-sites (like office buildings). And mobile workers (i.e., using multiple workspaces, in and out of the office) were about 58% more likely to love their job than their office-based peers.
First we asked people where they usually work (in an office, mobile or telecommute). And then we asked people to rate how they felt about their job (love, like, tolerate, dislike or hate). Here’s what we found.

Posted by Mark Murphy on 13 April, 2017 Forbes, no_cat, no_recent, Research, sb_ad_30, sb_ad_5, Telecommuting | Read more →

Quiz: Is Your Personality More Suited To The Corporate World Or The Gig Economy?

The gig economy is here! While the 20th century was typified by a corporate model of work (long term salaried jobs, benefits, maybe a gold watch), the last decade has seen the strong emergence of gigs, freelancers, solopreneurs, the self-employed and the coffee shop-qua-office. It’s increasingly difficult to describe our work in a single word (e.g. lawyer, engineer, nurse). 
Posted by Mark Murphy on 11 April, 2017 Interpersonal Skills, no_cat, no_recent, Quizzes, sb_ad_30, sb_ad_5, Telecommuting | Read more →

Here's The Phatic Expression You Should Never Say To Remote Employees

Deep and meaningful conversations are a hallmark of
 successful managers of remote employees. But while a lot of managers are talking to their remote employees, they’re not learning anything important during those conversations. A good litmus test of how productive your conversations with remote employees are is to ask yourself if your remote people are sharing with you their problems, bad news, struggles, challenges and all the other things you need to know to keep your people accountable and aligned.
Posted by Mark Murphy on 10 April, 2017 Forbes, no_cat, no_recent, sb_ad_30, sb_ad_5, Telecommuting | Read more →
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