Constructive Criticism articles from Mark Murphy and Leadership IQ

Constructive Criticism Articles

Video: A Four-Step Model for Receiving Constructive Criticism

Getting criticized stinks. I'm not going to sugarcoat that. But there is a technique you can use to receive constructive criticism that makes it a little more bearable, and even constructive.

Quiz: How Do You React To Constructive Criticism?

We’re all going to receive constructive criticism at some point. So the big question is “how will I react to constructive criticism?”  Take this quiz to see how YOU react to constructive criticism.

The Compliment Sandwich: What Is It And Why Is It So Bad?

One of the worst management techniques ever created is the Compliment Sandwich. The Compliment Sandwich was created as a way of giving somebody constructive criticism:
"Bob, you're just so talented. You're so smart. You might be the smartest person in the department. Your behavior...

In Job Interviews, Use These 4 Sentences To Transition From Recruiting To Interviewing

InterviewWhen a candidate enters the room to interview, it signals a shift from recruiting: attracting them to the organization, to interviewing: conducting a diagnosis of skills and attitudes to see if they’re a fit for the organization. But one of the biggest mistakes hiring managers make is missing that signal and continuing to recruit when they should be interviewing.

Don't Make Constructive Criticism So Soft That People Miss Your Message

Constructive CriticismEffective constructive criticism maintains a delicate balance. When criticism is too harsh, recipients shut down emotionally, get defensive, and fail to hear a word you say. When criticism is too soft, recipients fail to hear the message that they really do need to change.

Video: Here's How To Respond When You Get Constructive Criticism

We are all going to get criticized at some point.  So the key is learning how to respond to constructive criticism.  Mark Murphy shows you a 4-part model that will instantly help you respond more constructively when you get hit with constructive criticism.
Posted by Mark Murphy on 08 September, 2015 Constructive Criticism, no_cat, no_recent, sb_ad_30, sb_ad_5, Video | Read more →