give your leaders CUSTOMIZED ONLINE LEADERSHIP training
Leaders need training, especially during the most challenging economy in 100 years! But during a pandemic, that training usually needs to be virtual. That's why we're delivering CUSTOM ONLINE LEADERSHIP TRAINING delivered to your company!
You choose any leadership topic (or select from our most popular topics) and we customize the program specifically for your unique organization! (We even use pre-assessments to survey your leaders and add their data into the program)!
We then deliver a LIVE CUSTOMIZED ONLINE LEADERSHIP TRAINING during which your leaders can INTERACT, ASK QUESTIONS, and more! Programs typically range from 1-3 hours, depending on the topic and how long you would like the training to last.
And you get to KEEP the recording of the program FOREVER, so you can build an entire leadership development curriculum for your company!
Each program is taught personally by Mark Murphy, New York Times bestseller, Forbes Senior Contributor, and Founder of Leadership IQ! So you'll look like a star by giving your leaders training from one of the top management experts in the world!
We record each custom online leadership training, and after the session ends, we send you the recording! You can upload the recording into your own LMS and have every leader watch it as many times as you want! This way, you get the benefit of this live training event forever!

SPECIAL BONUS #2: true customization with a pre-assessment
We can conduct a pre-assessment of your leaders to discover the exact challenges they're facing and use that data to customize the training just for you! We can even build that data into our presentation and make this a truly unique leadership development experience for your group!


The Science of Managing Remote Employees
Having remote employees should be a huge advantage—you get the best talent from all over the world, you don’t pay for relocation or office space, So why do companies struggle with remote employees? It’s because many of the leadership techniques you use inside the office simply don’t work with remote employees. The online leadership training session will share the latest research and best practices about how to be an effective leader in the virtual workplace.

Giving Tough Feedback Without Making People Angry
The most successful organizations know that the only way to grow and succeed is to give tough feedback in a way that people actually listen and change.
In this online leadership training session, you’ll learn how to "speak the truth" and give tough feedback in a way that doesn't make people defensive or angry. When somebody does something that needs correcting, you can't just ignore the problem. We'll give you specific scripts to tackle this very delicate conversation.

The Secrets of Killer Presentations
When you have to make a presentation, don’t you wish you could morph into a presenter like the late Steve Jobs for the hour? In this session, you will learn, what Jobs and other powerful presenters know — the tips, tools and techniques that you can use to connect powerfully with your audience and transform your presentations into can’t-miss visual experiences.
We’ve compiled the latest presentation skills from neurologists, visual designers, speech writers and psychologists, and packed them into an interactive online leadership training session that will get you up to speed with the best presenters in the business.

Do More Coaching and Less Managing
Management has its place (like in a crisis), but it’s coaching (not managing) that helps employees grow, develop and unleash their full potential. And coaching does not mean that you just hire an executive coach. Instead, this online leadership training session will show you how to develop the Manager-As-Coach mindset for all your internal leaders.

Stop Being Busy, Start Being Productive
The scarcest resource professionals and leaders have is their time (not money or people or influence). Time. And it’s why the top frustrations of leaders are typically not having enough time, struggling to balance priorities, not being proactive enough and reacting to everyone else’s priorities, and spending too much time doing work that someone else should be doing. This online leadership training session is going to show you how to discover your own personal Green Light Work and then give you tactics for shedding all the Yellow, Orange and Red Light Work that is misusing (or wasting) your time, hurting your effectiveness and stopping you from hitting all your goals.

Hiring for Attitude
Based on the bestselling book featured in Forbes, Fast Company & CNBC, Hiring for Attitude will show you the cutting-edge hiring practices that reveal if candidates have the right attitude to fit your culture. You’ll get the one question to assess “coachability.” And you’ll get tools like the textual research that reveals if someone is a high or low performer just by the pronouns and verbs they use in their answers

Managing Narcissists, Blamers, Dramatics and More
Sadly, not every person in our organization is nice, pleasant and easy-going. So you’ve got to know how to manage and understand difficult personalities. Fortunately, we’ve identified the Big Five difficult personalities that drive the most conflict in organizations, and we’ve developed specific scripts for dealing with each one. In this online leadership training session, you’ll learn specific scripts for managing Narcissists (Giant Egos), Blamers and Finger-Pointers, Drama Queens and Kings, Negative and Overly Sensitive people.

How to Build Support for Your Change Efforts
Why is change so hard? For one, leaders must help themselves manage change, all while helping others cope with change. And most typical top-down structures ignore the psychological aspect of change, focusing only on delivering a great pitch. Meanwhile, listeners catastrophize the message, jumping to conclusions and making irrational interpretations about the impact the change will have on them. In this online leadership training session, you’ll learn how to accelerate your change management process, and reframe your communications to make change more appealing. And how to manage peoples’ emotions about change so they feel excited, instead of scared!

Taking the Pain Out of Performance Reviews
Did you know there are 5 ways to make performance reviews honest, constructive, motivating and fulfilling conversations? Of course, not everybody knows how to do that because a landmark Leadership IQ study of 48,012 managers and employees discovered that typical performance appraisals are thoroughly disliked (for example, only 6% of CEOs think performance appraisals are useful). Our renowned research on performance management has appeared in Fortune, Forbes, Business Week, HR Executive, Talent Management, and more. And on this online leadership training session, we’ll show you the latest techniques for taking the pain out of performance reviews.

How to Inspire and Retain Your High Performers
Leadership IQ conducted a study of 207 organizations where we matched engagement survey data with employee performance appraisal results. The annual performance evaluation ratings were provided by the organizations, and the engagement scores came from our employee engagement survey. Our study found that in 42% of the 207 organizations (i.e., 87 companies), high performers were less engaged than low performers. In this online leadership training session, you’ll learn the 3 Psychological Drivers that high performers have, what to do when your high performers are maxed out, effectively dealing with the “money” issue and how to have an effective “retention” conversation.

Contact us at any time by emailing or calling 800-814-7859.