Leadership IQ is the world leader in ONLINE LEADERSHIP TRAINING! And that's one reason why we've been rated one of the TOP 10 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES IN THE WORLD!
Using the latest science & research, each leadership training masterclass gives you actionable techniques, scripts and blueprints! (Each course is approximately 1-hour long).
These 1-hour courses give your company a complete leadership training program. All of these leadership development courses are taught by New York Times bestseller Mark Murphy, CEO of Leadership IQ and a FORBES Senior Contributor!
NOTE: Each leadership training course is approximately 1-hour long and comes with a TRAINER'S GUIDE that contain discussion questions, exercises, deeper dives, and more!
- Giving Tough Feedback Without Making People Angry
- Hiring for Attitude
- Stop Being Busy, Start Being Productive
- Managing Narcissists, Blamers, Dramatics and more
- How To Inspire & Retain Your High Performers
- Do More Coaching and Less Managing
- Enhancing Your Emotional Intelligence
- How to Speak So Everyone Listens

These 21 courses (each approximately 1-hour long) address the 21 most critical leadership competencies, from hiring to conflict resolution to delivering feedback to change management and more! Each online leadership training course integrates cutting-edge leadership skill research with immediately actionable tools, scripts and techniques. And these leadership training courses work for managers and executives in every leadership role, from future leaders to senior leaders.

Each leadership training course comes with a TRAINER'S GUIDE that your internal training team can use to conduct face-to-face sessions based on the content from each leadership course. These TRAINER'S GUIDES contain discussion questions, exercises, deeper dives, and more! We are the only leadership training firm that actually helps internal leadership trainers in this way. You can use our videos and deliver your own face-to-face training sessions using the TRAINER'S GUIDES. This way you can build a fully customized leadership development curriculum.

There are no renewal fees ever. A few minutes after you purchase the library, you will receive an email with information to access the downloads of the video programs (video mp4 format) AND the pdf slides AND the Trainer's Guides. You can upload the video into your own LMS or shared drive. And you get pdf files for all handouts. (Please note that these programs are only for your company's employees/leaders and are NOT licensed to share outside your company or for resale. If you want to offer these programs to your clients or others, please visit our Partnerships page).
When you "speak the truth," do people get defensive or start blaming and making excuses? According to a Leadership IQ study, 81% of managers have avoided confronting a subordinate about inappropriate behavior, even when a customer or the organization suffered as a result. In this 1-hour management training session called Giving Tough Feedback Without Making People Angry, participants will learn how to "speak the truth" and give constructive feedback in a way that doesn't make people defensive or angry. You'll learn:
--6-step script for delivering tough feedback without making the recipient defensive
--How to delayer your conversations in 4 parts (Facts, Interpretations, Reactions, Ends) and learn which pieces you should and shouldn’t share
--Why you should never use “I statements”
--4-step script for delivering tough feedback when you have a bad relationship with the recipient
--1-sentence that opens and deescalates tough conversations
--4-Question Quiz for testing whether you’re making people defensive with blaming and loaded language
--Why you should never use a “compliment sandwich”
--How to avoid “pleading” and “attacking” in tough conversations
Attitude accounts for 89% of hiring failures. So how do you assess candidates’ attitude (including their coachability, emotional intelligence, motivation and temperament)? Based on the bestselling book featured in Forbes, Fast Company & CNBC, Hiring for Attitude will show you the cutting-edge hiring practices that reveal if candidates have the right attitude to fit your culture. This 1-hour masterclass called “Hiring for Attitude” will show you:
--The 5-part interview question that reveals if people are “coachable” (and that famously asks candidates to spell the last name of their previous boss)
--6 words that ruin behavioral interview questions when you’re trying to hire for attitude
--2 quick tests to discover the attitudinal characteristics that your organization MUST include in interviews
--Why you should never ask “tell me about yourself” or “what are your strengths/weaknesses”
--Why most hiring managers ask way too many questions, forcing candidates to give very fast and superficial answers (and learn how many questions you SHOULD ask)
--Get a structured form for assessing and evaluating all of your candidates
--1 question that reveals if somebody goes “above and beyond”
--New textual science that shows you how candidates’ pronouns, verb tenses, and adverbs reveal if they’re a high or low performer
Effective leadership requires knowing how to manage conflict. But conflict in the workplace is worse than ever! From the pandemic, to employee stress, to politics, to social media, people are stressed...and it's making workplace conflicts more emotional and difficult! In this 1-hour leadership program you'll learn the latest science on resolving conflict, and the specific psychological scripts and tools you need to fundamentally resolve conflict (and all of its tricky applications). This 1-hour management course called "Can't We All Just Get Along? The Science of Resolving Conflict" will show you:
--7 trigger words that immediately inflame conflict (and what you should say instead)
--How to separate every conflict into Facts, Interpretations, Reactions & Ends so you can calmly and analytically problem-solve every situation
--The Redirection Script for teaching employees to manage their own conflict without you having to mediate every single conflict
--1 question to ask your employees that protects you from getting sucked into taking sides and playing favorites
--Why the phrase “let’s calm down” always backfires and how you can actually bring emotions down to a manageable level
--The 5 most common conflict management styles, and the strengths/weaknesses of each
--6-part script that shows how to calmly and thoroughly resolve conflict between employees, colleagues and bosses
--The 2-sentences that stop conflict in meetings and how to refocus your meetings when it happens
In the current high-stress world, your high performers are carrying the load for your organization! They're working harder and longer than ever before, their employee engagement scores are plummeting, their burnout & anxiety is spiking. And most companies haven't realized that the psychology of high performers is different than your other employees. A great leader will harness this unique psychology when assigning work, giving recognition, etc., we risk chasing away high performers! Let us give you the complete plan for inspiring and retaining your best employees, with ALL the scripts and tools! This 1-hour leadership development program called "How To Inspire & Retain Your High Performers" will show you:
--The 3 psychological drivers that high performers have (that middle and low performers often lack)
--The 4-part "retention" conversation script and the best time and place to hold that conversation (using our famous Shoves & Tugs model)
--2 phrases that high performers say when they’re hiding the truth about what’s demotivating them
--How to Map the Motivations of each of your high performers (using the free 5-Driving Needs Assessment)
--The psychological bias that is causing leaders to not compliment high performers enough and how to overcome it
--How to set "HARD Goals" for high performers that put them into a Flow State immediately
--The 1 Corporate Culture Type that high performers like the best
We all suffer from the "busyness disease." Over 60% of working Americans say they don't have enough time to do the things they want to do. An effective leader will discover their own personal Green Light Work (the only work that advances your career and big goals). And then you'll learn how to delegate all the Yellow, Orange and Red Light Work that is misusing (or wasting) your time, hurting your executive effectiveness and stopping you from hitting all your goals. This 1-hour masterclass training called "Stop Being Busy, Start Being Productive" will show you:
--How to distinguish between Green Light, Yellow Light, Orange Light and Red Light Work (and a Grid to plot your major activities)
--Which of your Yellow, Orange and Red Light activities should be delegated and which should be eliminated
--The latest time tracking apps you should use to measure just how effectively you’re using your time
--Identify and eliminate the Top 10 timewasters that consume leaders’ time
--Checklist for teaching employees how to clarify and complete work assignments so that you don’t have to waste time constantly checking-up on them after you delegate
--Eliminate some of your misused time with a 3-part Meeting Achievement Checklist that makes every meeting 15 minutes shorter
--How to overcome the psychological barriers to delegating (including ego, doubt and competence) so you’ve got many more resources to share your workload
Do you ever have to deal with giant egos, or blamers, or people who find drama in every little thing? Do you have to work with anyone who always sees the negative in any situation? We’ve identified the Big Five difficult personalities that drive the most conflict in organizations, and we’ve developed specific scripts for dealing with each one. In this 1-hour masterclass, called Managing Narcissists, Blamers, Drama Queens and more, you’ll learn how to manage:
--Negative (they always see the downside): Because their negativity can deflate everyone around them, you’ll learn how to contain their negativity and even start to turn them positive by debunking the irrational thoughts that drive their negativity
--Drama Queens and Kings: Behind the drama is a desperate cry for attention, so you’ll learn a specific script for reducing the drama while turning them into a more rational and responsible adult
--Narcissists (Giant Egos): Behind that giant ego is a very fragile personality, so you’ll learn a very clever and subtle script for getting them to do what you want while toning-down their ego (even if they outrank you)
--Blamers and Finger-Pointers: The blame game is time-consuming and destructive, so you’ll learn a script to quickly stop the finger-pointing and make this person and positive contributor to the team
--Overly Sensitive: Learn why they’re so emotionally fragile and always looking for reasons to feel hurt and a specific script for pulling them together and keeping them productive
Did you know there are 5 ways to make performance reviews honest, constructive, motivating and fulfilling conversations? Unfortunately, our study of 48,012 executives, managers and employees discovered that typical performance appraisals are thoroughly disliked (for example, only 6% of CEOs think performance appraisals are useful). So this 1-hour leadership course called "Taking the Pain Out of Performance Reviews" will show you how an effective leader can make this critical conversation drive better performance and employee engagement. You'll learn:
--2 sentences that make every performance appraisal conversation more comfortable (if you say them in the first few minutes of the meeting)
--How Transactional Analysis gets managers and employees out of the painful Parent-Child dynamic that usually defines performance reviews, and instead creates an Adult-Adult partnership full of self-awareness and positive coaching
--What 3 pieces of information need to be in EVERY performance appraisal conversation
--The correct order in which you should discuss performance, money and goals (so you keep employees’ attention throughout the entire conversation)
--3-part script to make this a truly motivating conversation for high and middle performers
--What to say when low performers strongly challenge their evaluation
--How to use Word Pictures to clearly and honestly delineate the level of performance you expect and how the employee currently measures against those expectations
--4 questions that should appear in EVERY employee development plan and goal-setting exercise that encourages them to take ownership of their own career and goals
Most customer service is subpar because companies don’t understand the psychology of their customers. And that’s why this 1-hour masterclass will teach you a new generation of techniques from psychology, decision sciences and behavioral economics. On this special 1-hour masterclass called “7 Psychological Secrets of Great Customer Service” you will learn:
--The 4 most common customer personalities and the psychological tactics that work best for each type
--Why paraphrasing the words of angry customers can make them furious(and what you should say instead)
--The 1 question that you should always ask whenever a customer calls you to report a problem
--How a specific type of compliment called “positive labeling” can radically improve customers’ behavior (e.g. turning cranky customers into perfect ladies and gentlemen)
--Why beginning conversations with “how are you doing today?” irritates most customers (and what you should say instead)
--3 questions that every customer wants you to answer during customer service interactions
--How to apologize to a customer and win back their loyalty
--How to use “emotional intelligence” instead of fake-sounding scripts
Most likely, the best leaders you’ve ever had did much more “coaching” than “managing.” They didn’t just tell you what to do, or criticize you for messing up, or push aside to do the work themselves (things often equated with managing). Instead, they listened to your ideas, challenged you to learn and grow, served as your sounding board, and took the time to discover what really makes you tick. In other words, coaching. On this special 1-hour masterclass called Do More Coaching and Less Managing, you’ll learn…
--6-question test to assess if you (and your managers) have the “coaching mindset”
--3 drivers of trust between manager and employee (and how to use that to build a coaching relationship)
--How to guide employees to set goals that they can get passionate about
--4 types of probing questions to use in coaching that direct people to share and reveal their deeper issues (Factual, Emotional, Direct, Indirect)
--3 sentences you should say at the beginning of your coaching sessions with employees
--5-step process (based on rational emotive behavior therapy) that helps employees overcome self-limiting and irrational beliefs
--How to stop using feedback (which focuses on rehashing past history) and instead use Constructive Dialogue (which focuses on changing the future)
--How “gestalt communication” can prevent leaders from immediately giving orders to employees
Emotional Intelligence is more predictive of leadership success than raw brains or years of experience. Each participant will receive the 20-question Emotional Intelligence assessment to measure your current Emotional Intelligence and identity opportunities for further development. This 1-hour masterclass is built on the tripartite emotional intelligence model of Self-Awareness, Other-Awareness and Emotional Management.
This 1-hour masterclass called “Enhancing Your Emotional Intelligence” will show you:
--Take the 20-question Emotional Intelligence Assessment
--The science of Self-Awareness: the ability to identify & understand your own emotions
--The science of Other-Awareness: the ability to identify & understand others’ emotions
--The science of Emotional Management: the ability to manage & influence emotions
--8-part exercise to understand your emotions, why you react and act the way you do, so you can initiate or avoid certain situations, and rehearse and prepare for situations based on your likely reactions
--3 steps to significantly increase your ability to quickly and accurately read other peoples’ emotions
Brilliant, creative and powerful people often come with strong personalities, regardless of their leadership position. And if you don't understand how to lead and balance those strong personalities, keeping your team focused, productive and collaborative will be exhausting (if not impossible). You'll learn techniques and structures for harnessing the talent on your team, balancing the different personalities, and leveraging their strengths while keeping away from their weaknesses. On this 1-hour masterclass called Leading A Team With Big Personalities, you'll learn:
--The Big 4 Personalities you'll see on work teams (Analyzers, Implementers, Collaborators and Challengers), and the strengths and weaknesses of each personality type
--Take-home quiz to give to your team to discover their unique mix of Big 4 Personalities so you'll know how to balance them and leverage their talents
--3 tools for keeping meetings with strong personalities disciplined and on-topic
--2 techniques for getting the quiet personalities to participate more actively
--3 techniques for harnessing and guiding the louder personalities to keep them engaged without them steamrolling the rest of the team
--Specific techniques for leading each of the Big 4 Personalities (Analyzers, Implementers, Collaborators and Challengers)
--2 tools for generating productive disagreement between the various big personalities
Every aspect of your career is subject to how well you negotiate; from your salary to your job title to getting your big proposal approved. Yet, most leaders are doing a terrible job at negotiating. In one study, 70% of people actually accepted deals that were so bad they were financially worse than not having a deal at all! In this 1-hour masterclass, called Psychological Tactics That Make You A Winning Negotiator, you’ll learn the science you need to avoid losing negotiations (and create exponentially more value for yourself and your company). You’ll learn…
--The shocking Nobel-prize winning research that shows why your proposal is more likely to be accepted if it’s stated in terms of what the other side stands to lose rather than what they have to gain (i.e. Prospect Theory)
--Why using highly specific numbers rather than round numbers has improved negotiated deals by as much as 47%!
--How negotiating in teams of 2 or 3 people can reduce your odds of accepting bad deals by nearly 50% (i.e. avoiding ‘Agreement Bias’)
--Why starting with a large number of components or features and allowing consumers to scale down from there leads to the much higher money deals than starting with a basic product and asking consumers to build onto it (aka the Endowment Effect)
--The psychological quirk that explains why selling potential, rather than past achievements, has actually led to 200-600% more successful outcomes
--How one study proved that by focusing on goals rather than worrying about what might be lost, negotiators gained an average of $4 million in extra value from their negotiations
--Why science shows that you actually SHOULD make the first offer in negotiations, and how your opening offer creates a psychological anchor that correlates 80% with the final resolution
A whopping 93% of leaders think they are effective communicators - yet only 11% of their employees agree. That's a huge problem for leaders, because communication skills drive career success in today's organizations. Once you harness the best practices taught in this 1-hour masterclass, "How to Speak So Everyone Listens," you'll see your effectiveness as a communicator - and a leader and executive - skyrocket. A few communication skills can make everyone a better leader. In this 1-hour masterclass, you'll learn:
--The 4 types of communication styles (Analytical, Personal, Functional and Intuitive) and how to speak to every one
--How to speak to a room filled with different communication styles (called Multipathing)
--3 tricks for when you and your boss have different communication styles
--How to identify and speak to ‘process-driven’ people who like the nitty-gritty detail
--How to identify and speak to ‘big picture’ people who don’t want lots of detail
--How to identify and speak to ‘analytical’ people who want data, hard numbers, and dislike that ‘warm-and-fuzzy’ stuff
--How to identify and speak to people that are warm and chatty ‘feelers’
--5 words to say when the other person isn’t listening to you

Over the past few years, as people are more stressed, our research shows that leaders and senior executives today are twice as likely to act like Intimidators. And according to recent studies, as many as 1 in 4 employees has been bullied. So as an employee or leader, what can you do to tone down the bullies and intimidators? What exactly can you say? How can you act? Do strong leaders suffer less from this problem? What about when the intimidator/bully is a boss or coworker or even an employee? This 1-hour masterclass delivers highly-specific scripts to say and also shows you the science and psychology that makes them so effective. You'll be learning:
--New research on which personality types are subjected to the most intimidation
--How a workplace civility effort can significantly reduce bullying and intimidation
--One simple metric that reveals which leaders are intimidators
--The worst kind of leadership style to adopt if you want to stop bullying
--7 words that immediately inflame conflict (and what you should say instead)
--4 part script for Talented Terrors that just refuse to change, no matter what you do or say

Do you have enough influence? Do colleagues and bosses listen to your every word? Do they act on your ideas? If you want more influence, so you can get better and faster results, this webinar called Influence Without Authority will show you how. In this 1-hour masterclass you’ll learn how to key into other peoples’ driving needs and craft persuasive messages for each audience. We’ll show you how to identify your likely allies and your likely antagonists, whom to approach for support and how to enlist their support. We’ll also show you how to identify your hidden sources of power and leverage them for greater leadership effectiveness. You’ll learn:
--The 7 Personality Drivers that determine why people will (or won’t) listen to you
--4 common mistakes that instantly make you LESS influential (and how to avoid them)
--Learn how to influence each of the 7 major personality types (with specific do’s and don’ts for each type)
--Diagnose whether someone is likely to be your Champion or Antagonist
--3 sources of power you didn’t know you had (and how to start using them)
--Understand the difference between the Attraction and Power approaches to influence
--Develop influence in flat or matrix organizational structures
--Whether you should start by convincing your Champions or your Antagonists

If you live in the real world, at some point you're going to get some tough criticism. Even world-famous CEOs receive blistering criticism. But why do some people take tough criticism and use it as a catalyst for extraordinary success, while others just pout and get defensive, completely missing their opportunity to get useful information? In this 1-hour masterclass you’ll learn:
--10 question assessment to test whether you've got the "psychological hardiness" to bounce back from tough criticism
--3-step process for identifying at least one positive and productive kernel of insight from every bit of criticism
--Using the "30 Days Later" technique to calm your emotional reactions to criticism and instead think rationally and strategically
--4 words you should always say when you receive tough criticism
--1 simple gesture that slows people down when you're taking more criticism than you can emotionally handle or when the criticism turns toxic
--How to accept criticism in a way that builds your "trust quotient" with the person giving you the criticism
--2 exercises to help you "reframe" every criticism into an opportunity for personal advancements

46% of leaders think their company changes too slowly. A Harvard Business School study found that 70% of change efforts fail. And a Leadership IQ study found that mismanaging change is the #1 reason why executives lose their jobs. In this 1-hour masterclass you’ll learn how to accelerate your change management process, and reframe your communications to make change more appealing. And how to manage peoples’ emotions about change so they feel excited, instead of scared! You'll learn:
--How to assess whether your change process should be Evolutionary or Revolutionary
--2 ways that change efforts get bogged down and how to fix them
--How to reframe all your communications so that change sounds like an opportunity rather than a threat
--3 biggest points that MUST be included in every memo announcing a change initiative
--How to stop and debunk any negative rumors about your change effort
--The biggest reason that change efforts fail (and how you can fix it)
--How to win-over fence-sitters and deal with change resisters
--4 question test that will predict the success (or failure) of your change efforts
--2 steps you must take so that people don't backslide and return to the old ways of doing things

Being a new manager or emerging leaders can be terrifying; one day you're friends with people and the next day you're being asked to order them around. So how do you move from being "friend" to "manager"? What words are you supposed to say when you manage someone? What leadership competencies do you need to use first? How do you hold people accountable and improve their performance without being overbearing and destroying morale? How do you start your leadership journey? In this 1-hour masterclass designed for new managers, you'll be learning:
--3-part script to immediately start winning over your best employees, especially if they're bitter because you got the management job they really wanted
--Discover the line between Friend and Manager and what boundaries you need to put on your new relationship with employees
--Discover exactly what goals you’re being asked to accomplish as a Manager, and then how to get your employees to help you achieve those goals
--How to co-opt your best employees to help you set the ground rules and boundaries using the “Word Pictures” technique
--4-part script to say when “talented people with bad attitudes” try to derail you and even embarrass you
--Discover a process for assigning work that gives you more oversight without micromanaging
--Discover the 5 biggest mistakes new managers make, and how to avoid them
--How to turn things around if you get off to a bad start as a new manager

Having remote employees should be a huge advantage-you get the best talent from all over the world, you don't pay for relocation or office space, AND research shows that remote employees work 4 hours more per week than in-house employees! So why do companies struggle with remote employees? It's because many of the leadership techniques you use inside the office simply don't work with remote employees. In this 1-hour masterclass you'll learn how to be a successful leader for a remote workforce, including:
--New research that shows which personality types (e.g. introverts, extroverts, etc.) make the best, most engaged, most productive remote employees (HINT: It’s not what you think.)
--Sure-fire ways to assess and measure remote employees’ job performance without using invasive and expensive techniques to spy on their every move
--Why you should NEVER ask “How’s it going?” to remote employees
--3 attitude adjustments that leaders must make to successfully manage remote employees
--A 3-step process for delegating large projects that require frequent progress checks (without being demonized as a micromanager)
--2 keys to keeping remote employees disciplined and productive
--A specific weekly regimen that keeps remote employees connected and aligned
--The 10-minute conversation that keeps remote employees feeling connected and engaged

When you have to make a presentation, don’t you wish you could morph into a presenter like the late Steve Jobs for the hour? Think how great that would be. Your audience leaning forward to experience what you have to say about your company, its products, its strategy all because YOU can connect with that audience on emotional and intellectual levels that keep them riveted to your message. In this 1-hour masterclass, we’ve compiled the latest presentation skills from neurologists, visual designers, speech writers and psychologists, PLUS the most cutting-edge presentation technologies from companies like Google and Prezi, and packed them into a 60-minute program that will get you up to speed with the best presenters in the business. You’ll learn:
--Key questions to ask your audience that keep them awake, feeling like your message was designed for them, and too engaged to start checking their email
--The secret technique that neurologists know for making your message unforgettable
--How to make PowerPoint jump off the screen (and not look like PowerPoint)
--How CEOs of Apple, Google and Starbucks deliver killer presentations in just one sentence
--New presentation technologies that are easier and more versatile than PowerPoint
--3 visual designs that need to be in your next presentation
--How to speak effectively to the 4 distinct personality types you’ll find in every audience

Word Pictures™ are behavioral descriptions that an organization can use to set explicit behavioral expectations, distinguish between high and low performers and hardwire accountability. What an organization needs is a tool to teach employees about the attitudes, behaviors, values and standards that you want them to exhibit.
You can use Word Pictures to revamp your performance reviews, teach employees, set high standards, and more! In fact, Caesar’s Palace used our Word Pictures to set new standards in customer service for all their hotel & casino employees, and immediately thereafter, scored their highest customer satisfaction scores ever! Word Pictures use a 3-part set of standards, called Needs Work (to describe poor behaviors), Good Work, and Great Work (to describe high performer behaviors).
In this 1-hour masterclass, we’ll give you lots of Word Pictures, including Innovation, Expertise, Customer Service, Accuracy, Flexibility, Management, Communication, Financial-Awareness and more! And we’ll show you techniques, from companies like Caesar’s Palace, about amazing ways to institute Word Pictures into your culture to teach all employees how to be high performers.