Hiring for Attitude articles from Mark Murphy and Leadership IQ – Page 2

Hiring for Attitude Articles

Video: Always and Never

Interview questions and answers are critical to hiring success, and one thing we want to be careful of when we’re talking about interview questions and answers is not hiring people who say the words “always” and “never” a lot. Here's why.

You Actually Can Teach Employees How To Have A Great Attitude

Teaching attitude is something that a lot of leaders give up on before they even try. They say “Pat just is the way he is. He’s a little cranky, and he’s a little sarcastic, but I can’t do much about that.” But when you look at great leaders, they do teach attitude, and so can you.
Posted by Mark Murphy on 13 March, 2017 Forbes, Hiring for Attitude, Leadership Skills, no_cat, no_recent, sb_ad_30, sb_ad_5 | Read more →

A Behavioral Interview Question To Test If Someone Can Motivate Themselves

Today’s organizations want to hire self-motivated, self-leading and self-sufficient people. Companies want people who are internally driven to give 100% effort at work; not people who require bribes, babysitting or cajoling to give maximum effort.
Of course, that’s a tough attribute to assess in an interview. And there are lots of interview questions that are just useless for measuring that attribute.

Video: Goofball Questions

Whenever we talk about Hiring for Attitude the discussion typically turns to what are the best and worst interview questions to ask. Now, there is always some group of people that will start asking pop-psychological kind of weird, goofball sort of questions. 

In Job Interviews, Use These 4 Sentences To Transition From Recruiting To Interviewing

InterviewWhen a candidate enters the room to interview, it signals a shift from recruiting: attracting them to the organization, to interviewing: conducting a diagnosis of skills and attitudes to see if they’re a fit for the organization. But one of the biggest mistakes hiring managers make is missing that signal and continuing to recruit when they should be interviewing.

Here's A Behavioral Interview Question For Testing If Candidates Can Handle Constructive Criticism

Constructive CriticismNo one likes getting tough feedback from the boss, but it’s often necessary to grow and develop on the job. Your company doesn’t want to hire folks who can’t constructively receive constructive criticism. You want people who can bounce back in a positive manner. 
Posted by Mark Murphy on 11 October, 2016 Forbes, Hiring for Attitude, no_cat, no_recent, sb_ad_30, sb_ad_5 | Read more →

The Best Interview Question To Test If Job Candidates Are Good At Teamwork

TeamworkTeamwork. It means something different in every organization, which means you need an interview question that effectively assesses whether or not a candidate is a fit for your unique definition of team.
Here are some examples of commonly asked interview questions that don’t work:

Posted by Mark Murphy on 06 October, 2016 Forbes, Hiring for Attitude, no_cat, no_recent, sb_ad_30, sb_ad_5 | Read more →

Beware Of Hiring Candidates Who Say 'Always' And 'Never' In Job Interviews

InterviewIf the job candidate you’re interviewing says “always” and “never” a lot, it may be a signal that you’re talking to a low performer. How do we know this? MyHiring for Attitude research team asked about 1,400 professionals a series of open-ended job interview questions such as, ” Could you tell me about a time you got tough feedback from the boss?”

The Hidden Flaw In Behavioral Interview Questions

Behavioral InterviewWe’ve all used behavioral interview questions—questions that ask job candidates to recount a past experience so we can assess their likely future performance. In theory, behavioral interview questions should work just fine (because past behavior is usually a decent predictor of future behavior).
But most interviewers ask behavioral questions in a way that gives away the correct answer and thus ruins the question’s effectiveness.

Data Shows That Every Recruiter Needs To Start By Defining The Right Attitudes

It’s pretty hard to recruit a high performer if you don’t know what attitudes define being a high performer. And yet, that’s exactly what most companies are doing to their recruiters.  At Leadership IQ, we recently surveyed 656 human resources executives and asked them to what extent their organization had clearly and scientifically defined the attitudes that distinguish the highest performers from everyone else.

Posted by Mark Murphy on 01 July, 2015 Hiring for Attitude, no_cat, no_recent, Research, sb_ad_30, sb_ad_5 | Read more →