Leadership Quizzes


Leadership Styles Quiz: Which Of These Different Styles Do You Use?

Leadership styles describe the differing types of leadership that leaders use. But what's your leadership style? Are you like a tech CEO or a world leader? More like Steve Jobs or Gandhi? Take this Leadership Styles Quiz and see what style of leadership you have!  SEE MORE

Communication Styles Quiz And Assessment

Research and assessment identifies four different communication styles based on levels of emotion and linearity in how we give and get information: Analytical, Functional, Intuitive and Personal. But you need to know your own, and others', communication styles to become an effective communicator.  SEE MORE

Organizational Culture Quiz: What Type Of Company Culture Do You Have?

What's your organizational culture? Is your current culture a meritocracy, or do the people with the best connections get ahead? Are people collaborative or competitive? Are jobs predictable or is there significant organizational change?  SEE MORE

Types Of Power Quiz: Do You Use Referent Power, Reward Power, Coercive Power, Legitimate Power, Expert Power or Information Power?

Ambitious employees and aspiring leaders often ask “what are the various types of power?" and "how do I get more power?" Beginning in the late 1950s, psychologists John R. P. French and Bertram Raven famously identified 6 types of power: Referent Power, Reward Power, Coercive Power, Legitimate Power, Expert Power, and Information Power. Before we explore each type (and their pros and cons), take the quiz to see which types of power you tend to use most frequently!  SEE MORE

Quiz: What Motivates You?

Through research with thousands of employees and leaders, we’ve discovered that there are five major motivations that drive people’s actions at work; Achievement, Power, Affiliation, Security, and Adventure. So take the test below to discover what motivates you.  SEE MORE

Quiz: What Type Of Team Player Are You?

Contrary to popular belief, there is no one-size-fits-all definition of a team player. Being a team player can manifest in various ways through different roles, such as the Achiever, Trailblazer, Harmonizer, Director, or Stabilizer. Each of these roles can contribute immensely to a team’s success in distinct ways. SEE MORE

Quiz: How Do Your Time Management Skills Stack Up?

We all suffer from the “busyness disease.” More than half of working Americans say they don’t have enough time to do the things they want to do. The scarcest resource professionals and leaders have is their time (not money or people or influence). Time. And it’s why the top frustrations of professionals and leaders are typically not having enough time, struggling to balance priorities, and reacting to everyone else’s priorities. Take this quiz to see how your time management skills stack up!  SEE MORE

Quiz: What's Your Style of Change Management?

How do you lead change? How do you think change should be led? Take this quiz to discover your change management style.  SEE MORE

Quiz: How Do You Personally Feel About Change?

Do you like stability and consistency? Or do you like rapid exciting change? Or moderate prudent change? Test your personal feelings about change.  SEE MORE

Quiz: How Do You React To Constructive Criticism?

We’re all going to receive constructive criticism at some point. So the big question is “how will I react to constructive criticism?” Take this quiz to see how YOU react to constructive criticism.  SEE MORE

Quiz: Do You Know How To Listen With Empathy?

Imagine if people had zero empathy; if we couldn’t understand others’ perspectives. What kind of world would that be? Terrible, right?Well, there are troubling signs that, in fact, the world is currently suffering from a major deficit of empathy; that we’re losing (or have lost) the ability and willingness to truly empathize with others. And that’s why this test of empathy is so important!  SEE MORE

Quiz: Could You Pass This Job Interview?

Thanks to research like our Hiring For Attitude project, interviewers are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Are you up-to-date with the latest techniques? Can you pass this job interview?  SEE MORE

Quiz: What's Your Presentation Style?

We all have our own presentation style, but have you ever thought about how your particular style compares to others? And the strengths and weaknesses of your presentation style?  SEE MORE

Quiz: Does Your Job Require High Or Low Emotional Intelligence?

Research shows that in certain jobs, having higher emotional intelligence is actually correlated with lower job performance! The determining factor in whether emotional intelligence is positively or negatively related to job performance is called “emotional labor.” So take this quiz to see whether your job demands high or low emotional labor, and thus whether you need high or low emotional intelligence.  SEE MORE

Resiliency Test: How Do You Respond To Adversity?

Resiliency is your ability to quickly bounce back from failure, adversity, rejection, etc. But how do you handle these situations? Take the Resiliency Test and find out. SEE MORE

Constructive Criticism Quiz: What's Your Style Of Delivering Constructive Criticism?

How you deliver constructive criticism will have a huge impact on whether your employees will (or won't) actually make changes and improve their performance. But do you know what kind of feedback you actually deliver? And how that gets received?The way that you deliver your feedback plays a role in whether your people are actually receiving it. Take this constructive criticism assessment to learn more.  SEE MORE

Quiz: Is Your Personality Suited To Working Remotely Or In The Office?

Some people have the personality to work remotely. These remote personalities are hard-charging go-getters with a self-motivated mindset. They’re fine working with fewer rules and more all-nighters. And they’re not fazed by the isolation, diminished emotional and administrative support, or the reduced collaboration and recognition of remote work. Take this quiz to see if your personality is suited to working remotely or in the office. SEE MORE

How Good Is Your Employee Engagement Survey?

Shockingly, only 22% of companies are currently getting good results from their employee engagement survey. Take the test below and see how your survey stacks up!  SEE MORE

Library of All 21 Masterclasses
Library of All 21 Masterclasses
Library of All 21 Masterclasses
Library of All 21 Masterclasses

Library of All 21 Masterclasses

Hiring for Attitude 4-Week Online Certificate Program [MARCH 14TH] - Leadership IQ
Hiring for Attitude 4-Week Online Certificate Program [MARCH 14TH] - Leadership IQ

Hiring for Attitude 4-Week Online Certificate Program [MARCH 17TH]

How Great Managers Drive Employee Engagement 4-Week Online Certificate Course [MARCH 24TH]
How Great Managers Drive Employee Engagement 4-Week Online Certificate Course [MARCH 24TH]

How Great Managers Drive Employee Engagement 4-Week Online Certificate Course [MARCH 24TH]

Becoming Superhuman With AI: How To Start Using AI In The Real-World To Make Your Work Faster, Easier And Better [MARCH 31ST]
Becoming Superhuman With AI: How To Start Using AI In The Real-World To Make Your Work Faster, Easier And Better [MARCH 31ST]

Becoming Superhuman With AI: How To Start Using AI In The Real-World To Make Your Work Faster, Easier And Better [MARCH 31ST]